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Octavian becomes supporter of the Institute of Masters of Wine

The Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW) has announced that Octavian Wine Services, a provider of premium wine cellarage and logistics solutions, has joined its international supporter community as a major supporter.

The collaboration aims to underscore Octavian’s and the IMW’s commitment to the advancement of education and excellence within the global wine industry.

Octavian’s support for the IMW has been undertaken to “bolster industry knowledge and awareness of the role of cellaring, provenance, and logistics”, it said.

Valuable insight

The collaboration will also provide “valuable insights and perspectives on key issues” affecting the wine industry, it said, such as market trends, investment potential, storage best practices, and sustainability in wine storage.

With more than thirty years of experience in serving the fine wine community, Octavian has developed a specialty in the care and preservation of valuable wine collections. The unique environment of Octavian’s storage facilities, which originated from a former stone mine and munitions bunker, provides optimal levels of humidity, light and stability for the cellaring of the world’s finest wines.

Its expertise in accountable storage and logistics has given Octavian a “profound understanding of the challenges and rewards of extended cellarage and trading of wine”, it claimed.


Speaking about its support for the IMW Vincent O’Brien, managing director of Octavian Wine Services said that it believes education on the importance of optimal and secure cellarage is “paramount” for the wine trade.

He said: “By becoming a supporter of the Institute of Masters of Wine, we are investing in the talent of the future and fostering a deeper understanding of the critical roles of cellaring, provenance, and logistics. Our commitment aligns with the Institute’s mission to promote excellence, knowledge, and integrity in the world of wine.

“We are proud to support an organization that shares our dedication to the highest standards and to the advancement of the global wine industry.

Julian Gore-Booth, executive director of the IMW added that it was “a pleasure” to announce Octavian as a major supporter of the institute.

He said: “The sharing of knowledge is central to the work of the IMW and Octavian’s expertise around storage and cellarage as an integral and essential element in the journey of fine wine will be of a great benefit to Masters of Wine and students alike.”

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