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Green Awards Categories

O-I: Expressions Green Company of the Year

Awarded to the company that has demonstrated its commitment to the environment in changing and
improving its business practice to better its carbon footprint. It will have improved its own direct impact on the surrounding environment and promoted this effectively to a wider audience, whether trade or consumer facing.

The judges will be looking for a clear demonstration of the ways in which your company has sought
to better its green credentials over the last three years, with particular focus on activities undertaken in the last 12 months. Improvements in any area of the company will be considered, as long as this is part of general move within your company to move towards a more “green aware” culture in the way in which you and your employees go about your day-to-day business.

Amorim Biodiversity Award

The special award is designed to recognise a business that has done as much as possible to advance biodiversity both within the land it owns and, if possible, beyond its boundaries too. It will recognize those companies that can show how they have enhanced species richness within a defined area using clear and measurable results.

The winner can be a brand owner, or a wine, beer or spirits producer, but it must be an operator who can prove that they really care about their environs and the life that exists within it.

Amorim Sustainability Award

Every winery or distillery now has to take sustainable practices in to consideration when it comes to production and market positioning. Indeed so necessary are these concerns that generic
promotional bodies are working to drive change for their countries’ producers.

This award will recognise the efforts made by a company, generic or brand to employ the
most efficient and effective sustainable practicesin their business whether in the production facilities or in their agricultural practices. Judges will take into account all aspects of production where waste management, recycling and sustainable practices have been improved in the last three years and more particularly in the last 12 months. Packaging decisions, including adherence to natural solutions such as cork closures, will also be taken into consideration.

The winner might be a brand owner, a wine, beer or spirits producer, a major multinational or generic body and will be able to easily show their drive to improve the environmental impact of the way in which their products are made. In addition this year the judges will only be considering like with like e.g. a brand will not be judged in the same category as an entire company, generic campaigns will be judged against their peers.

 Green Packaging of the Year

This will be awarded to a package that has bags of appeal for its target audience, while having as little impact on the environment as possible.

Whether it’s the weight of the package, or the materials used, the winning entry should clearly demonstrate its green credentials. Ideally launched within the last 12 months, the best green package can be for a wine, beer, spirit or soft drink.

Best Green Launch

This will be awarded to the brand team for the launch of a product that has promoted an environmentally friendly cause and has environmental and sustainable issues at its core within the last 12 months.

Whether produced organically or made from sustainably produced materials, carbon neutral or associated with a specific environmental project, this product will clearly demonstrate its green credentials and the benefits it has brought about in reducing its environmental impact during production.

The Best Green Launch Award can be for a wine, beer, spirit or soft drink and will already have caught the attention of retail buyers with its potential to catch the imagination of the consumer.

Best Organic Initiative

Organic Wines, Beers and Spirits have entered the mainstream as a popular consumer choice. This
award recognises companies for their work in bringing a fresh approach to the production, retail or on-trade arena.

Ethical Award

Awarded to a company or product whose foundations are firmly based in, and dedicated to, the community and/or environment where they are based.

The Ethical Award will consider all types of activities related to improving and benefiting the surrounding community; be it funding education, bringing clean water to communities or promoting improved environmental practices.

It will also recognise the efforts of the winning company, or brand, in carrying out best ethical practices in their day-to-day business by analysing the direct benefits of any project and its success in accomplishing its objectives.

Green Personality of the Year

This award will be given to the individual who has excelled in recent years – and particularly in the last 12 months – in furthering environmental causes within the industry or their company. The winning candidate will have demonstrated their belief and commitment to all matters related to the environment and improving their, the industry’s or their company’s impact upon it.

He or she will ideally also have worked to bring their concerns regarding environmental matters to a broader audience within their field and/or area of interest. In short the winning candidate will be able to prove that by their actions and initiatives they are setting the standard in promoting better practice with regard to the environment at every level.

Green Retailer of the Year

Awarded to the retailer who can best demonstrate how business practices have had a direct impact on improving their and their suppliers’ environmental credentials within the area of drinks retailing.

The winner will be able to clearly show how it has worked with both suppliers and consumers to introduce new, more environmentally friendly products or initiatives to improve not only its carbon footprint but also to inform and educate the consumer about adopting and adapting to greener purchasing habits.

Initiatives might include, for example, alternative packaging projects, the introduction of a wider range of organic or sustainably farmed products or changes in supply chain and recycling operations to reduce emissions. The Green Retailer of the Year will be able to demonstrate its commitment to improving its green credentials and those from whom its buys from and sells.

Logistics & Supply Chain Green Initiative

With increasing focus being put on carbon footprints and emissions, drinks companies’ logistics and supply chain operations are under pressure to manage their environmental impact.

Whether a transport initiative or a commitment to improve green credentials, this award will be given to a drinks company whose supply chain or logistics programme has significantly reduced or improved its impact upon the environment in the last 12 months.

Renewable Energy Implementation Award

With the evidence for climate change and its potentially devastating consequences continuing to
build, there is a growing need to reduce carbon emissions and use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas).
Renewable technologies can be used to provide alternative sources of heat, power and cooling.

Examples of where technologies might be used include production processes, office accommodation,
retail areas and storage. The main requirement is for the company to demonstrate commitment to
the implementation of viable renewable energy technologies to replace “traditional” boilers, chillers
and power sources. The panel is looking for innovative implementation, potentially using combinations of technologies to reduce or completely remove the need for fossil fuel derived energy.

Water Management Award

As global water shortages make it an increasingly precious commodity, there is a growing need to
reduce its usage and manage its treatment to minimise the impact on the local environment.
We are looking for companies who have employed initiatives that promote more efficient usage of
water, have improved processing of wastewater or those whose policies relating to water have
benefitted their community.

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