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New wine quiz pledges donations to charities

London’s largest wine quiz will be launched next month, proceeds from which will be donated to various charities. The City-based restaurant and wine bar group Vivat Bacchus will host one quiz for the public and a separate quiz for the trade.

Both quizzes will comprise three sections: wine trivia, wine knowledge and a wine tasting. While the trade competition is “open to industry professionals like restaurant/bar teams, wine writers and journalists,” the public quiz is expected to comprise of teams from the legal and accountancy profession. Co-owner of Vivat Bacchus, Gerrie Knoetze (pictured) said: “We think we will see a few professional rivalries come to the fore during the competition.”

Half of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to South African charities that are already supported by Vivat Bacchus such as Paul Jungnickel Home for the Disabled in Pretoria and the Umzi Whetu educational and placement program in conservation for Aids Orphans in Port Elizabeth, and the other half will go to a charity nominated by the winning team.

There is no limit to the number of teams that a company can enter. The entry fee is £15 per person throughout the competition, £5 of which is donated to charity.

The competition opened for entries on Monday, and will close on 22 February. For further details click here.

Jane Parkinson, 04.02.09

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