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Leading trade figures launch consultancy firm

Two high-profile industry figures in the UK, Angela Mount and Mike Paul, have joined forces to launch Mount & Paul Wine Industry Solutions. The consultancy is said to offer a "one stop shop" for companies across the trade from producers to generic bodies, thanks to  the duo’s combined experience in the industry.

Talking of the business partnership with Paul, Mount said: "Our skill sets complement each other. We’re both passionate about the industry and have far-reaching views which we’re not afraid to express." While Paul added: “Angela has a wealth of experience in the UK retail sector while my experience is largely managing distributors and in wine brand development."

Based in the UK, the company is looking to work with companies around the world and does not plan to be "UK-centric". It has also claimed to be committed to helping companies exploit the "opportunities out there," particularly in these unpredictable times, as Paul added: "We see ourselves as catalysts for these opportunities." And, having both worked in "difficult companies," Mount said: "We believe we have that empathy and can help people as it becomes the survival of the fittest."

The firm will cover range strategy, branding, sales and marketing as well as training and development. Mount concluded, "We can act swiftly and at relatively low cost, that’s where we add value."

For further details contact Niki Matyjasik on +44 (0) 7720 887080.

Jane Parkinson 07.01.09

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