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Host of top speakers to address US Conference

The organisers of the US Drinks Conference have announced two new high profile additions to the panel of speakers. Patrón chief operating officer John McDonnell and Southern Wine & Spirits executive vice president Rudy Ruiz will both address the event, which takes place in London on October 14.

The gathering will be the second US Drinks Conference, enabling executives to gain a detailed insight into what’s going on Stateside – from emerging trends in the on- and off-trade to a detailed look at the structure of the complex environment for drinks retailing in the world’s leading market by value.

Last year’s inaugural event welcomed delegates from 14 countries, and the organisers are anticipating an even greater success this time round.

The latest additions to the speakers list will be of particular interest to companies hoping to forge new ground in the US. In his role as a senior exec at America’s largest distributor, Ruiz will discuss the alignment of supplier and distributor needs.

McDonnell, meanwhile, will be a source of inspiration to aspiring brand owners: super premium Tequila Patrón has emerged from nowhere to become one of the hottest properties in the spirits segment.

The Conference takes place at the Marble Arch Marriot. For further details, click here.

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