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Power Brands 2008

Who’s packing the strongest punches in the drinks industry today? This definitive list reports on the movers and shakers in the world of wine and spirits, with analysis by Patrick Schmitt

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What a difference a year makes. Against a background of company consolidation and an economic slowdown in the Western world we have a new and highly modified list, the Power 100. This is the only international survey of wine and spirits brand power, compiled by Intangible Business, an independent brand valuation consultancy (click on the link above to see the full feature with methodology details and list of panelists). It is reflective of much more than just volume sales, but a detailed analysis of value, based on subjective and objective measures.

Overriding trends include the increasing power of Scotch in world markets. This category contains brands with immense strength derived from a high price positioning, long histories, an aspirational image, not forgetting management by the world’s largest drinks companies.

Another major category development is in sparkling. Champagne brands are still storming up the list, benefiting from the same combination of strengths as those labels from Scotland. Further, brands in both categories should fare well in times of recession, such is their following among celebrities and the super rich.

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