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US drinks conference planned for October

London is due to host a second conference on the US drinks market following the success of last year’s inaugural event. The one-day seminar on October 14 is designed to expose the opportunities and potential pitfalls of the North American market for alcoholic drinks, and includes speakers from a range of backgrounds, including Patrón’s COO John McDonnell.

Key topics at the conference will include the US three-tier system and market trends in the on- and off-trade, while brand case studies will also be presented. Beverage Media is sponsoring the event.

“The complexity of the US market can be perceived as a barrier to market entry,” says Jason Glasser, COO of Beverage Media. “And while the complexity is certainly there, it’s not an obstacle if you have the right guidance and counsel to get through the maze.”

The US drinks conference 2008 will be held at the Marriot Marble Arch in London on October 13.
You can register at or by calling 001 860 676 7900

Patrick Schmitt, 25/06/08 

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