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Diageo steps up F1 responsible drinking campaign

Last Friday, Lewis Hamilton and Mika Häkkinen unveiled Johnnie Walker’s latest campaign in their Responsible Drinking programme. The Monaco Grand Prix weekend was the setting for the announcement of the European launch of The Pact, aimed at encouraging consumers to make a commitment not to drink and drive. The programme will be formally launched across Europe later this year.

“Mika and I want to use the public profiles we’ve gained through F1 to raise awareness of the importance of making a personal commitment no to drink and drive,” said Hamilton. “We know that through F1 and the sport of motor racing, fans all over Europe and the world will hear this critical message.”

Consumers will be urged to make a pact with Mika and Lewis not to drink and drive, and so far thousands have provided their signatures as a mark of their commitment. In April this year, Häkkinen launched The Pact in Asia. Additional events were held in Brazil before the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, and in Canada ahead of the race in Montreal.

Friday’s announcement also saw the unveiling of The Pact Simulator. This futuristic pod will provide consumers with a practical demonstration to remind them of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. The prototype software, developed by US company Systems Technology, is still in development and will allow consumers to experience in a virtual world the negative effect of alcohol on the ability to drive.

“We can never be complacent about this global issue,” added Häkkinen. “I know that Lewis feels as passionately as I do that it’s never okay to drink and drive, and we are strongly committed to supporting Johnnie Walker in their ongoing efforts to promote this message through their activities in F1. We’re not saying people shouldn’t enjoy a drink or celebrate but they should do it responsibly. Have a designated driver, use a taxi or public transport to get home safely. I’ve always believed that if our actions prevent even one life from being harmed, it has to be worth it.”

Diageo signed the European Road Safety Charter in July 2006, a platform aimed at halving the number of traffic fatalities by 2010. Part of this has seen the formation of a new two-year partnership between Diageo and the European Transport Safety Council which established Europe’s first dedicated Drink Driving Policy Network to promote road safety. This is a research programme aiming to identify best practice for reducing alcohol related accidents among repeat drink-drivers and novice drivers.

Alexis Hercules 28/05/08 

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