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TV tie-ups for coffee liqueur

Pernod Ricard UK has announced two TV tie-ups for Tia Maria. The brand will be sponsoring Dancing with the Stars and Dirty Dancing – Time of Your Life.

Dancing with the Stars is the US version of UK reality show Strictly Come Dancing, starring, amongst others Spice Girl Mel B, Jane Seymour and Maria Osmond.  
Dirty Dancing – Time of Your Life is based upon the film Dirty Dancing, and will take eight pairs of British dancers to the original location of the film in the US, the Mountain Lake Resort in South-Western Virginia, in the search to find a real-life Baby and Johnny dance duo. 
It is hoped the sponsorship of both shows will raise the profile of Tia Maria as “the perfect female mixable spirit” in the run up to Christmas when 45% of Tia Maria sales takes place. 
"These TV sponsorships create a positive association with properties that our target female audience already enjoy,” said Pat Venning, head of marketing at Pernod Ricard UK. “By partnering with these shows, we can deliver a consistent presence for Tia Maria, gaining awareness and visibility during the busy lead up to Christmas.”
The clips feature two ways of drinking Tia Maria – Tia Maria and cola and Tia Maria over ice.

Patrick Schmitt, 10/10/07

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