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Premium Forum 2007 – Report


FORUM 2007

Tuesday 24 April 2007
at The Energy Clinic
132 Commercial Street
London E1 6NG

A one-day forum
the drinks business Premium Forum was a ground breaking event that tackled the key issues facing alcoholic drinks retailers, their suppliers and brand owners/ managers in the market today. This event was developed by the drinks business in response to a growing need within the beers, wines and spirits industry to provide a forum for current issues to be discussed and debated openly with leading industry professionals.

This event, taking place over one day, comprised a number of individual panels with key industry figures delving into commercial issues such as the history and future of the premium drinks market, design & packaging, category management, new product development, marketing premium products and consumer expectations to name but a few topics.

From our editorial director & publisher …
In April 2007 the drinks business gathered together a group of experts for our second forum. The subject for discussion was the concept of premium.What is premium? How can we define it? What if premium in one sector is not necessarily premium in another?

Does the term resonate with consumers? When do they start to feel that they are paying for a premium product? Perhaps the term is over-used but I would say that right now the environment for premium products, if they are truly premium, is very encouraging.

There is no doubt that we are currently in a changing global climate, a climate where the drinking culture is affected by broader social changes.

At a macro-economic level we can see growth in the consumption of soft and alcoholic drinks in emerging markets; in developed markets growth has either slowed or is stagnant.

One sector offers opportunity, the other provides challenges mixed with opportunity. Both involve a certain amount of risk.

But what the Premium Forum concentrated on was the challenges that face mature markets like ours; one of those challenges being that of adding value by establishing premium status and image.

We hope you enjoy this exclusive report on how the day developed.

Charlotte Hey
editorial director & publisher

For a complete pdf version
supplement, which was
published with the June issue of
the drinks business magazine

click on the ‘download’
button above

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