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Rioja allows nine new varietals

On Friday January 12 the Rioja Regulatory Council unanimously approved the use of nine additional grape varieties for Rioja wines. This is the first time since 1925 (the year the Council was created) that new varietals have been authorised. The decision was made in response to the directives of the Rioja Strategic Plan, two of whose objectives are “to adapt Rioja to market demand and to make Rioja whites more competitive.”

The varieties are:

  • International white varieties: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Verdejo (which cannot be used as single varietals nor as the predominant variety in a blend)
  • Native white varietals that are part of the viticultural heritage in Rioja: Maturana Blanca, Tempranillo Blanco and Turruntés (which can be used as single varietals or in a blend with other white varieties)
  • Native red varietals that are part of the viticultural heritage in Rioja: Maturana Tinta, Maturano (also called Maturana Parda) and Monastel (which can be used as single varietals or in a blend with other red varieties).

So as not to increase the total vineyard area in the DOCa Rioja, these varietals can only be planted to replace vines that have been grubbed up.

The next step is for the Council to petition the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture to adapt the DOCa Rioja regulations to reflect this decision and for the governments of Álava, La Rioja and Navarra (the three regions in which the DOCa Rioja is located) to add these varieties to their list of authorised varietals.

© db 17 January 2007

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