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ASA cracks down on RTDs

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has flexed its muscles in the battle against underage drinking. Rulings issued this morning have banned two series of adverts promoting the Smirnoff Ice and WKD brands. New rules were introduced in January 2005 with the intention of clamping down on ads that promote alcoholic beverages to under-18s. Today’s ruling is the first implementation of the new stricter code, and it will come as little surprise that the ASA has turned its attention to the leading players in the RTD market.

The notes of the ASA adjudication state: “The changes were intended to prevent alcohol ads having a strong appeal to those under 18 years of age… in particular by reflecting or being associated with youth culture… for example immature, adolescent or childish humour.”

Beverage Brands has been censured for two ads from the ‘Have you got a WKD Side’ campaign, while Diageo was criticised for a sequence of ads featuring the fictional character Uri, and a number of MTV presenters. Both campaigns have been aired regularly, but, says the ASA judgement: “should not be shown again”. Both companies have criticised the ruling.

Diageo issued a statement saying: “Diageo fully support responsible marketing and effective self-regulation… [but] we fundamentally disagree with the ASA’s decision and we are in the process of seeking an independent review.” This first implementation of the new rules suggests that the ASA intends to take a firm line against the trade.

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