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Marketing News: Abramovich signs up Heineken

Heineken has become the latest high-profile signing to arrive at Stamford Bridge, joining the champions as the club’s official beer in a four-year deal effective from the start of the season last month.

As well as being poured at all home games, the Dutch brand will be bolstered by a positive association with the most talked-about team in sport. Other benefits will include perimeter advertising and in-stadium promotions.

Paul Smith, Chelsea Football Club’s business affairs director, said: “Heineken is the premium beer brand in football and is therefore a natural partner for Chelsea. We are delighted that they have chosen us for their first major club involvement.”

Although this is Heineken’s first football club tie-in, the brand is already a top name in sport sponsorship. It’s a proud supporter of both the Rugby World Cup and the Heineken (European Rugby) Cup, as well as the Champions League.

© db September 2006

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