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Man walks into an off licence with an alligator

A man could be facing criminal charges after walking into an off-licence in Florida with an alligator tucked under his arm.

The incident happened in Jacksonville, with Robby Stratton, as reported by Gentside, strolling into the liquor store armed with an amphibian.

At about 5ft long, we are estimating, the alligator was small enough to be carried around the store by Stratton.

During the impromptu shopping trip, Stratton can be seen ‘chasing’ other customers with the river-roving reptile, while Stratton picked up a six-pack of beer.

The episode was filmed by another individual, with Stratton later admitting that he couldn’t even remember having taken the alligator into the store with him. 

The amphibious animal’s mouth was muzzled, but its presence was enough to spook fellow shoppers, and the man is now at risk of being prosecuted.

You can watch the video here. 

The strange tale reminded us of several other cases of animal invading institutions of alcohol, such as the rampaging peacock of 2017, who trashed a liquor store in Los Angeles, and Francis Bacon, the Vietnamese pig who was banned from a London pub for stealing pints and head butting its patrons…

Check out our top 10 drunken animal stories here. 

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