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Tovaritch on-track for 105 awards

Vodka brand Tovaritch has been listed as a finalist in the Best Light Spirit of the Year category at the Australian Liquor Industry Awards.

The winners will be announced on October 31 after a review by a panel of industry experts and an external audit. If the vodka brand wins, it will bring its total number of awards up to 105.

Earlier this summer, Tovaritch! won a Trophy in the Organic Standard category from International Spirits Challenge 2018.

“This has been a fantastic year for us so far,” Eugenio Litta Modignani, CEO of Tovaritch! Spirits International SA, said.

“We started out with over 100 medals from the most prestigious organizations in the spirits industry, and then the ISC Trophy came along. Trophies are awarded to the very highest scoring gold medal winners if the judges feel that a product is truly outstanding. This trophy signals our brand’s ever-growing international recognition as a top quality vodka.”

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