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Guinness Mid-Strength will provide a lighter dark beer

Guinness Mid-Strength will provide a lighter dark beer for responsible drinkers

Product name: Guinness Mid-Strength
Contact details: Diageo Ireland, +353 1471 4015

The brewers at Guinness have developed a way to remove some of the alcohol from regular Guinness, while apparently retaining all of the distinctive taste, texture and appearance. Guinness Mid-Strength, made from the same ingredients as Guinness, has an alcohol level of 2.8%, a reduction from 4.2%. The result of over two years of research and development, the product has apparently been well received in consumer research, with few being able to tell the difference between Draught and Mid-Strength Guinness. It will be tested in 80 Limerick pubs for six months, after which a national launch is likely. Guinness Mid-Strength will cost the same as Guinness. A Diageo brand, this new product is consistent with the responsible-drinking initiatives in which the company has invested.

db  March 2006

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