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Uncorked: João Pires MS

Portuguese Master Sommelier João Pires is the director of wines for City of Dreams and Altira Hotel in Macau. Originally from Portugal, he has worked with Gordon Ramsay and Heston Blumenthal as well as in some of the best restaurants in the world, including The Capital in London, The Vineyard at Stockcross in Newbury and The Four Seasons Hotel Ritz in Lisbon.  He speaks to db HK about which bottle sparked his love of wine and never getting enough of Champagne.

What vintage are you? 


What bottle sparked your love of wine?

A 1992 Duas Quintas Reserva from the Douro Valley in Portugal.

What would you be as a wine?


Where are you happiest?

Wherever my heart is.

What’s your greatest vice?

Champagne. I can’t get enough of it!

Best advice you ever got?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This was from motivational speaker, Dr Wayne Dyer who has just passed away late last month.

Most overused word?

Isabella, my daughter.

Your cellar’s underwater, which bottle would you dive in and save?

Any of my Krug or Salon.

What’s the best & worst thing about the wine business?

The best? Drinking good wine with good people – life is too short to drink bad wine! The worst? Definitely the hangovers,

What’s on your wine bucket list?


Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Jane Monheit, Jazz singer.

Personal satisfaction (Parker points – out of 100) 

No RP points please. Satisfaction is a state of mind. Not measurable at all.

Which wine would you like served at your funeral?

A 1928 Krug Collection.


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