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First ‘Women of the Vine’ symposium set

A global symposium championing the achievements of women working within the wine trade and their advancement will take place in Napa next year.

Deborah Brenner, founder of Woman of the Vine

Believed to be the “first of its kind”, the first annual Women of the Vine global symposium, aimed at today’s “enterprising women in the wine industry”, will take place from March 13 to 15 at the Meritage Resort in California’s Napa Valley. 

The result of a book written by wine consultant Debra Brenner, Women of the Vine, the event is a chance for women working in the industry to connect, network, mentor, collaborate and support each other.”

Deborah Brenner, author and founder of Women of the Vine said: “We have built what we believe to be a first-of-its-kind gathering of women in the wine business worldwide. Our goal is to bring together professionals from every aspect of the industry to ensure that women will continue to advance in leadership roles in the future.”

The event will feature several industry keynote speakers, panelists and moderators who will share their expertise with participants seeking to hone their business skills, gather fresh ideas and network with other like-minded women in the wine industry.

Educational programs include session on leadership skills and communication tactics with networking wine events, author book signings, winemaker dinners and a Grand Tasting Gala Event also planned.

Among the speakers set to appear is Michaela Rodeno, the first female, non-family member CEO of any winery in the Napa Valley, and Leslie Sbrocco, wine consultant, author and television host.

Jayne Portnoy, one of symposium’s advisory board members and vice president of marketing and brand strategy at Napa Technology, said: “There is a strong need for such a forum due to the shortage of mentor/networking opportunities for women despite how many of us hold top spots across the industry. I am anxious to be a part of this group and look forward to making the inaugural event a huge success,”

For more information on registering and a full list of speakers and events visit

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