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Remembering Alan Lodge

This Sunday will mark exactly one year since the drinks trade tragically lost journalist Alan Lodge to a brain haemorrhage.

Alan, who was news and website editor for the drinks business and deputy editor for The Spirits Business, was just 29 when he died on 17 February 2012.

As we wrote at the time, Alan had a highly engaging writing style and manner, and made friends easily in the wine and spirits industry during his three years at the drinks business.

Alan was also a respected taster, particularly of Scotch – his great love – as well as white spirits.

Blessed with a naturally happy and even temperament, and never one to indulge in unkind gossip, he was extremely popular both among the db staff and wider trade.

Alan is greatly missed by his colleagues at the magazine, although recalling his sense of fun always brings a moment of cheer to the team.

Our thoughts remain with his family now and over the weekend as the anniversary of this sad day comes round.

One response to “Remembering Alan Lodge”

  1. Simon Warburton says:

    What a super tribute Patrick to one of life’s nice guys. I’m still shocked by it, but as you say so well, Alan had the ability to engage everyone with enthusiasm. I’m raising a glass to you now Alan, cheers, Simon.

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