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Mouton 2003 creeps back up

Interest in Mouton Rothschild 2003 has helped Liv-ex’s Fine Wine 50 rise 2.7% since the start of the year.

Liv-ex noted on its blog that last while year was marked by interest in off-vintages, so far this year it is the “more acclaimed” years that were seeing the most trade.

In August last year the Mouton 2003 was trading for £2,660 a case, the same as March 2010.

It has now crept back up to £3,285, still £1,000 less than its 2011 peak price but an encouraging sign and one that supports the view of others that 2013 may see Bordeaux regain some of the ground lost since 2011.

Meanwhile, a review of the Right Bank 50 over the last nine years shows that Ausone has seen the biggest fluctuations but has been unable to reach its 2008 peaks.

Le Pin and Pétrus have shown the most stable and continued growth of the five estates in contrast to Lafleur, which has been the worst performer since 2008.

Interestingly, despite its name and prestige, Cheval Blanc has proved the most mediocre performer, struggling to rise in any meaningful way.

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