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Cantina Laredo chain hits UK

The UK’s Mexican wave gathered yet more momentum last week with the arrival of the Cantina Laredo chain in London.

The new Covent Garden restaurant marks the first of over 35 branches the family-owned business plans to open across the UK. Cantina Laredo already operates 30 restaurants across 12 US states, with further openings in the pipeline, as well as a single branch in Abu Dhabi.

The choice of location sets Cantina Laredo in close competition with one of London’s most high profile Mexican restaurants, Wahaca, as well as the second branch of Benito’s Hat, which opened in the same area just this week.

However, while the menu offers a familiar selection of burritos, fajitas and tacos, executive chef Ruben Lozano has put together some fancier – and more expensive – options, which show a growing army of UK fans that Mexican cuisine is not just about fast food. Familiar claims about freshness not only see all sauces created from scratch, but extend to the point that diners have their guacamole prepared at the table.

As with the food, Cantina Laredo’s 30-strong wine list, selected by Richard Bampfield MW, includes options which suggest a higher spend per head than the competition, although most options remain under the £30 mark.

It comes as no surprise to see that Tequila is a speciality focus here, with a broad range of styles from premium quality brands, as well as the encouragement to explore the category via a Tequila flight. Every month the restaurant will hold a Tequila dinner in partnership with a producer, with each course in the set menu matched to a different cocktail.

Cantina Laredo may be pushing the UK’s Mexican food offer up a gear, but the emphasis remains very much on casual dining. Booking is only available for groups of seven or more, but those waiting for a table can graze on the tapas-style bar menu over a margarita or Mexican beer.

Cantina Laredo
10, Upper St Martin’s Lane
St Martin’s Courtyard

Tel: +44 (0)207 420 0630

Gabriel Savage, 06.07.2010

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