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WebTV show: Land of the Riesling Sun – Friday 18 June

Join wine expert Joanna Simon and Asian TV chef Ching He Huang for a live webTV show at 1pm BST on Friday, 18 June, to learn all about French wines from Alsace and Asian food.

The pair will be hosting a live webchat, where they’ll be offering guidance on which wines bring out the best in each Asian dish; from the fruity, floral tastes of the Alsace wines such as Riesling through to the likes of Pinot Gris or Gewurztraminer.

From sushi to spring rolls, thai curry to tandoori, Asian cuisine has fully established itself as a favourite in the UK. But while the chefs are carefully blending spices to create unique mouthwatering dishes, rarely do we pay them the compliment of choosing a wine that best matches our favourite flavours.
As Alsace wines are appetisingly fresh and aromatic, with a notable clarity of fruit and good acidity, Simon believes they are spot on to go with spicy, salty, sweet and sour flavours found in Asian dishes.

"Most people tend to think of a beer with their Asian food, or if they do think of buying a wine to drink with it, the idea that a wine can compliment a spice seems rather odd, but far from it. In fact the right grape variety can add to a home delivered (or home cooked!) Asian meal," she said.
Ching He Huang and Joanna Simon will be live online at on Friday 18 June at 1pm BST to demonstrate how Alsace wines can compliment Asian food.
Click here to submit questions before the show
For more information visit

db, 17.06.2010

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