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Busy Budweiser

Budweiser, the so-called “King of Beers”, has been a very busy boy.

Not content with reporting UK sales figures up 40% in the last three months, Budweiser unveiled a limited edition FIFA Trophy Bottle ahead of the World Cup and, what’s more, unleashed a new Budweiser variant into the increasingly competitive 4% beer category.

Budweiser Brew No 66  will stand toe-to-toe with Becks Vier and Stella Artois’s weaker variant.

Stuart MacFarlane of Ab-InBev said: “While Bud 66 will play a different role – as a complement to the master brand, but also as a catalyst for bringing new consumers to the beer category – it will share with those other successful innovations a strong and compelling link to the master brand.”

Ben Mcfarland, 13.05.2010

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