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Marks and Spencer flexes plastic muscles

M&S has converted its entire range of 25cl bottles to be made from environmentally-friendly plastic. 

The store is the first supermarket to convert its entire range of mini bottles from glass to plastic.

Marks and Spencer reported that sales of the convenient one-serve bottles soared during warm weather spells, as customers are encouraged to buy the smaller bottles for picnics, and that two weeks ago, its sales of 25cl bottles were up 26% year-on-year, according to The Guardian.

The new packaging has resulted in bottles weighing 88% less than the previous glass versions. The development is predicted to save the retailer 525 tonnes a year in packaging.

This is one of a series of supermarkets’ ethical and environmental initiatives. In January, we reported on Sainsbury’s sealing all its own label wines with corks certified by the Forest Stewardship Council by the end of 2010.

Jane Parkinson, 10.05.10

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