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Landlords face jail under drinking games law

UK landlords who offer “all you can drink” promotions at their pub or bar could face jail under new laws that come into effect from today.

As part of the government’s drive to tackle binge drinking, landlords who offer promotions which are deemed as encouraging irresponsible drinking could face up to six months behind bars.

Under the new regulations, bars are no longer able to offer free drinks to women, permit drinking games such as the infamous Dentist Chair – whereby alcohol is poured directly into the mouths of drinkers so they are unable to control how much they consume – and must offer free tap water to all customers at all times.

Further new regulations are due to come into effect later in July, with pubs and bars being forced to offer smaller measures of alcoholic drinks so that people can have the choice of drinking less.

With a General Election now just a month away, the government will be keen to ensure it is seen to be tackling the social problem of binge drinking so as to reassure voters it is listening to their concerns.

Home office minister Alan Campbell admitted that while the majority of retailers and landlords are responsible in serving their customers alcohol, there are a few who let the side down and it is these whom the new laws aim to bring in line.

“Alcohol related crime costs the UK billions of pounds every year,” he said.

“While the vast majority of retailers are responsible, a minority continue to run irresponsible promotions which fuel the excessive drinking that leads to alcohol-related crime and disorder.

“This code will see an end to these promotions and ensure premises check the ID of those who appear to be underage.”

Alan Lodge, 06.04.2010

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