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NZ sweetens the EU

New Zealand has obtained a bilateral agreement with the European Union to allow importation of sweet wines into the EU.

The new ‘Notice of Overseas Market Access Requirements for the EU market’ has created the opportunity for New Zealand Winegrowers to officially launch wines with more than 15% total natural alcohol content at its annual tasting in London next month.


New Zealand will maximise the opportunity created by this decision by featuring a self-pour table consisting of more than 15 of the country’s sweet wines at the event.
Commenting on the notice, which comes into effect on 14 December, David Cox, European director for NZW said: “It has taken many years of hard work by the Policy & Regulatory team at New Zealand Winegrowers in Auckland to get this agreement with the EU and they are to be commended for their tenacity.  
“The way is now clear for the UK trade, especially the on-trade and independent trade, to be able to purchase these sensational late harvest and noble sweet-styles wines and I am delighted that we will be showing so many at our tasting in January.”
The sweet wines table will not be the only focus for the annual tasting, other highlights will include a table of unusual varietals, including a Würzer from Nelson (a varietal cross-propogated from Gewürztraminer and Müller Thurgau), an Arneis from Gisborne and a Verdelho from Hawke’s Bay.
The London annual tasting will take place at Lord’s Cricket Ground on Tuesday, 12 January 2010 from 10am to 5pm.
For further details of the Notice of Overseas Market Access Requirements for the EU market, visit
Jane Parkinson, 02.12.2009

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