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WSTA slams Scottish Alcohol Bill

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) today blasted the Scottish Government’s Alcohol Bill, saying it punishes Scottish consumers and businesses while doing little to tackle the root causes of alcohol misuse.

The Bill aims to give Ministers sweeping powers to impose minimum pricing, though it stopped short of naming a minimum price.

It seeks to ban all alcohol promotions in shops – a move which would outlaw mainstream discounts such as 3 for 2 wine deals.

It also proposes a new tax on local business with plans for a so-called social responsibility levy on alcohol retailers, yet doesn’t set a level or explain how it might work.

The Bill is unlikely to become law though, with opposition parties refusing to give it their support.

According to the WSTA, the Scottish Government’s Alcohol Bill would “ban promotions and punish customers who seek good value, branding hard pressed shoppers who stock up with 3 for 2 wine deals as irresponsible.”

It added the Bill “Ignores the view of the Scottish Parliament by proceeding with plans to allow under 21’s to be banned from buying alcohol in shops; Imposes a new tax on local businesses with plans for a social responsibility levy, but again no detail on how it will work.”

Jeremy Beadles, Chief Executive of the WSTA, said: “The stance by opposition parties against minimum pricing is to be welcomed but this legislation contains other measures which are equally unwelcome and equally unlikely to address the root causes of alcohol misuse.
“Despite the fact that the Government’s own figures show overall alcohol consumption in Scotland is falling, Ministers seem determined to pursue proposals which will hit innocent Scottish consumers and businesses.

"Scotland deserves better than a piece of legislation which fails to focus on the real issue.

"We wish to work with the Scottish Government and other stakeholders to develop policies that address the problem of alcohol misuse, including rigorous enforcement of existing legislation, systematic education in schools and widespread introduction of Community Alcohol Partnerships proven to deliver results."

Alan Lodge, 26.11.2009

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