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New appointment and planned expansion for Antique Wine Co.

The Antique Wine Company has appointed a new head of operations to help the company’s planned expansion into emerging markets.

Nicholas Connell joins the business as it announces its aim to set up its first franchise in Monaco in March next year, followed by Hong Kong and Mexico later in 2010.

Connell joins The Antique Wine Company from Adnams Cellar and Kitchen where he held management positions. Before this he worked in operations for one of Vincent Tchenguiz’s property companies, Consensus Business Group.  

He reports directly to Antique Wine Company managing director Stephen Williams who will oversee the execution of promotional and trading activities as well as the day-to-day running of the company’s London headquarters.

“Nicholas comes with a wealth of skills to support the many facets of our business,” said Williams.

“We are constantly looking at new and innovative ways of driving The Antique Wine Company forward and by strengthening our operations in London we will have the infrastructure to support and grow these opportunities around the world,” he continued.

Finally, Williams said, “While the emerging markets are proving to be an increasingly successful part of our business we are also looking to set up our first franchise in Monaco in March 2010 with Hong Kong and Mexico following later in the year.”

Click here for a profile on The Antique Wine Company
Patrick Schmitt, 26.11.09

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