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Plans afoot for fortified tasting

Plans to hold an annual London-based fortified wines tasting have been unveiled by Danny Cameron, the founder of the Specialist Importers Trade Tastings (SITT).

Called The Big Fortified Tasting, or The BFT, the event is designed to provide a one-stop shop for wine buyers and opinion formers.

“I’ve been involved with the selling and promotion of Port, Sherry and Madeira though our own agency arrangements, and I can see the frustration from all sides of the market,” said Cameron, who has been a director of Raymond Reynolds, a Portuguese wine specialist, for the last ten years.

“Producers and agents trying to promote their wares at larger, generic events, often suffer from being forever the bridesmaid and never the bride,” he continued.

“It’s understandable: buyers and press have limitations on their time, and don’t usually want to start a day with fortifieds, then taste light wines afterwards. But later in the day, they run out of time, or their palates become fatigued, so fortifieds lose out again,” he explained.

He also said, “And when there are events scheduled for specific categories, I’m not sure that they are a compelling enough proposition for people to take half a day or more out of their busy schedules. I’d like to create a major event where the trade can come, pre-focused, and really get the best use of their time and energy.”

Cameron has recruited Ben Campbell Johnston as brand ambassador for the project. Campbell Johnston has more than 30 years of combined experience with fortified wine.

“I’m really excited about The BFT concept,” said Campbell Johnston. “It has the capability of clarifying the present, and helping define the future of fortified wine in the UK market, as well as being highly relevant to other European buyers too.”

The first BFT is planned for late April 2010 and will be held at a central London location.

For more information contact Danny Cameron at

Patrick Schmitt, 05.11.09

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