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Bordeaux 2009 declared ‘magnificent’

The Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB) has declared 2009 a “magnificent vintage” in their official report released this week.

The region’s wine board noted that grapes are “perfectly healthy” with “excellent ripeness”, although “acidity levels are low”.

While the CIVB report said “it is still too early to estimate vintage volumes,” it pointed out that violent hailstorms on 11, 13 and 25 May will result in decreased production.

The storms affected every region in Bordeaux, although the damage varied considerably from one plot to another.

Overall, the vintage is characterised by extremely high levels of sunshine from early summer to the end of September.

“Weather conditions this year have been particularly favourable for the vines growth cycle and the grapes’ ripening process,” noted the vintage report.

“The months of July and August saw high temperatures and a generous amount of sunshine,” it added.

“This fine weather continued into September, with an alternation between cool nights and warm daytime temperatures, which encouraged a concentration of aromas and an increase in anthocyanins (pigments).”

Patrick Schmitt, 08.10.2009

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