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Debating the truth behind green agenda

The IWSC is gearing up for a debate over the reality of environmental issues facing the alcohol trade under the premise: “This house believes the promotion of environmental credentials is a marketing ploy”.

Robert Joseph will chair what promises to be a lively and topical debate. Panel members are: Michael Cox, UK director at Wines of Chile; Peter Darbyshire, managing director of PLB; Nicola Jenkin, drinks category manager at WRAP; and Angela Mount, consultant.  

All panelists are set to bring contrasting views to the table.

Robert Joseph is prepared to admit that his involvement with Greener Planet does not necessarily lead him to disagree with the motion as it has been worded.

Michael Cox has been closely involved in encouraging Chile to develop a ground-breaking ‘Sustainability Code of Practice’.

Peter Darbyshire is a firm advocate of green credentials, saying: “If Jeremy Clarkson now accepts the need to reduce his carbon footprint, then who am I to argue? Green must become a way of life for all of us in everything we consume or do.”

His view is echoed by Jenkin, who said: “A green agenda is not a fad, and it is not the future – it is now.

“In a number of instances the approach adopted is a marketing ploy or is sometimes more talk than action – being ‘green’ is not a game, it’s a serious global issue that will seriously impinge on the productivity of the wine sector and all the millions of people who depend on it.”

Meanwhile Mount will be expounding her views on the true importance of environmental credentials to the UK wine retail market.

The debate takes place at Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London SE1 9DD on Friday 23 October at 10.15am.

For further details contact

Alan Lodge, 30.20.2009 

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