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Multiple recycling efforts

Asda, Sainsburys and Tesco are all forging ahead with their commitment to significantly reduce their contribution to landfill sites.

Tesco has even recently hit its target of diverting 100% of its waste away from landfill sites, a year ahead of the scheduled target.

Tesco is implementing initiatives such as turning recycled carrier bags into refuse sacks and displaying products in reusable plastic trays,saving 20,000 tons of cardboard a year.

Not to be outdone in the green stakes, Sainsbury’s has claimed it will no longer send any waste to landfill by the end of this year, having previously sent 60,000 tons of waste to landfill each year. Instead, Sainsbury’s waste will be sent to an anaerobic digestion plant where it will be converted into methane gas which can be used to generate electricity.

Asda’s target date for zero waste to landfills is the end of 2010. This supermarket’s target has been helped significantly by the £27 million investment in eco-stores in Merseyside, England, allowing the Walmart-owned store to divert 50% of its waste away from landfill sites.

Of the big four supermarkets, Morrisons is the only one not to have specified its commitment with regards to landfill targets.

Jane Parkinson, 17.08.2009

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