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New World bodies join forces

Five New World wine-producing countries have collaborated to create the New World Wine Alliance. The group is the first ever competing country body to be created in the wine industry.

Member countries/regions include Argentina, California, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa. Australia has decided not to join the Alliance.

The NWWA’s first appearance will be at ProWein next year where it will collectively promote its wines.

The Alliance said: "All five regions have continued to grow exports despite the global credit crisis and believe that by working in concert they stand a better chance of competing against the EU, whose own wine-producing members are supported by substantial subsidies in their international marketing initiatives.

“Although we remain competitors, we believe the potential exists to further advance the New World’s share of the global wine market by sharing best practice. We have already benefitted from each other enormously by exchanging viticultural and cellar research as well as innovations in packaging, marketing and logistics.”

According to a NWWA spokesperson, "there had been exploratory talks among New World producers for several years about establishing a stand-alone show targeted at the international wine trade. However, recent research had suggested that with so many shows already in place, the alliance would be better served by creating a show within a show, using the well-established platform of ProWein."

The group will display its unity at ProWein through a joint offering of seminars, lectures, presentations and workshops under the umbrella theme, Down to Earth.  

Jane Parkinson, 15.07.09

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