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New Hardys packaging revealed

Constellation Europe has unveiled new packaging for its flagship wine brand Hardys. 

The redesign will run across the entire Hardys sub-brand portfolio and will be rolling out through all channels in all markets over the course of the summer.

The new look is designed to create a more consistent feel across all of the core sub-brands in the Hardys range, such as Nottage Hill and Stamp.

In addition to making the range hierarchy clearer and easier to navigate, it is hoped that the new packaging will encourage even greater consumer recognition across the core Hardys sub-brands in the on- and off-trade.

It is also hoped the new design will create more distinct, individual personalities for the premium Hardys ranges that include Oomoo, Eileen Hardy and Thomas Hardy.

There is a strong emphasis on heritage, with a prominent “Established 1853” logo and the premium feel of the bottle is designed to appeal to a wider range of drinkers.

A spokesperson for Hardys said: “Initial consumer feedback gathered through packaging research conducted by The Leading Edge has been extremely positive, and has found that the new date-marked logo is both distinctive and helps to establish strong heritage credentials for the brand.

“Furthermore, it is felt that the overall packaging has an attractive and premium feel.”

Clare Griffiths, vice president of European consumer marketing for Constellation Europe, said: “We are very much looking forward to seeing the new Hardys packaging roll out across the UK.

“We are confident that it will continue to build momentum for the brand and help drive valuable sales in the category as a whole.”
The new packaging launch will be supported throughout the summer by significant marketing activity, including an above-the-line campaign and in-store activation.

Alan Lodge, 30.04.2009 

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