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Teacher’s campaign calls for time out

Teacher’s Blended Scotch Whisky is launching a national media campaign this month in support of its high-profile Create Your Space initiative.

 Create Your Space is part of a £1.5m investment in the brand this year and is targeted at men in their 30s looking for time out to pursue their interests and hobbies.

Press advertising is to appear in The Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Guardian Weekend and Telegraph Magazine during March and April.

The ad will show Peter “Long-John” Taylor enjoying a glass of Teacher’s in his study,surrounded by his vast collection of nautical items.

It advertises an on-pack offer giving drinkers the chance to win one of 10 £5,000 prize funds to create their “ultimate collection”. Five hundred auction vouchers worth £200 each will also be up for grabs.

The offer is an evolution of Create Your Space, now in its third year, which has previously included on-pack offers to win a tailor-made shed, state-of-the-art Airstream, and a classic car.

Beam Global marketing manager Aileen Nicol said: “Create Your Space makes Teacher’s relevant and accessible to target consumers by appealing to men who desire space in which they can escape and become an authority on their chosen subjects.

“Following consumer research into what men enjoy doing in their spare time, we are now enabling them to build a collection relevant to their hobbies and interests.

“CreateYour Space is part of a long term plan to make Teacher’s the brand of choice among target consumers. By building an emotional connection with them, we are making their relationship with the brand more influential than price.

“We believe this is important for the future of the brand and category, ultimately investing in the brand will ensure the long-term health of Teacher’s.”

Further activity for Teacher’s in 2009 will include a targeted consumer PR campaign and in-store activity to be launched shortly.

Alan Lodge 23.03.2009 

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