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Would you be a good fit for the Women On Tap advisory board?

Women On Tap, the company behind Wotfest, is creating an advisory board and looking for candidates to develop plans for the next three years.

The board position, which will begin initially for six months to work through a reflection and review process of the company’s events, is open to people from both within and beyond the beer industry.

The role is a voluntary position and all meetings will be held online. This opportunity is open to all, and they encourage anyone who has an interest in what Women On Tap CIC does to put themselves forward.

In particular, the organisation has expressed an interest in those with the following: Significant networks in the equality space; An influential role and expansive connections in the beer industry; Experience scaling social enterprises or non-profits; Connections to leading brands and/ or influencers in the UK.

Women On Tap founder Rachel Auty explained that: “2024 is a bit of a ‘pause and review’ year for Women On Tap CIC. Since the social enterprise was founded in 2017, so much has changed. Securing finance to sustain the organisation on a year-by-year basis has become increasingly difficult.”

The recent Dea Latis Gender Pint Gap: Revisited report corroborated this having shown evidence that things aren’t improving for women in the beer industry.

The organisation now plans to undergo a period of reflection, specifically looking at three key areas: “Establishing financial resilience to do more and forward plan with confidence; developing impact frameworks; maximising available resource to amplify its mission.”

Auty stated that Women On Tap is keen to make clear it isn’t only looking for these things and if candidates are “passionate about what they do is enough of a reason to submit an application”.

She added: “This opportunity could provide excellent experience to those who are interested in board positions and would like to see what it’s like before embarking on a full commitment.”

Whilst the organisation is primarily looking for people who can advise during its reflection and planning process, it has been noted that the company “would additionally benefit from people who are in a position to be introducers and ambassadors for Women On Tap CIC in networks and circles and with brands” because this would mean that the team could “access new opportunities and projects”.

Women On Tap recently hosted progressive new one-day beer event called Summer Hop, which took place on 4 July at Rooster’s taproom in North Yorkshire. The event, which featured brough together activists, trailblazers, leaders, researchers, and experts in the beer sharing data, insights and perspectives assessed how the sector has been evolving.

The advisory board opportunity asks for a minimum of four hours per month for a meeting and some follow-up support. More information on the opportunity can be found here.

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