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Wiper and True ups Waitrose presence by 20%

Bristol craft brewery Wiper and True has expanded its presence in Waitrose by 20% with three of its beers now available in 236 stores.

The listing, which will include boosted availability of the brewery’s flagship 4.2% ABV pale ale Kaleidoscope and an expansion of its 5.6% ABV IPA Sundance, puts the beers in an additional 133 stores.

A new listing will also include Waitrose stocking Wiper and True’s 5.6% ABV coffee milk stout, named the Espresso Martini Shake, which was one of the brewery’s fastest selling beers of 2023.

Wiper and True’s founder Michael Wiper said: “We are thrilled to be boosting our listing with Waitrose, giving us the chance to bring our beautiful beer from Bristol to even more people up and down the country. The introduction of Espresso Martini Shake is particularly exciting, as we know there is a growing demand for coffee-infused beers and stouts. Ours is a really fun, luxurious-tasting beer that combines all the best parts of an Espresso Martini cocktail into a smooth and tasty dark beer. We know that this addition to Waitrose will be perfect for drinking this summer and beyond.”

Waitrose beer and cider buyer Jourdan Gabbini added: “We’re really excited to bring our customers this delicious new offering from Wiper and True. The Espresso Martini Shake is certain to appeal to those coffee aficionados, especially as we’re seeing the weather warming up!”

The 440ml cans will be available in Waitrose stores and online from this month.

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