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Watch two million litres of wine flood a Portuguese town

More than two million litres of red wine have flooded a Portuguese town after the two tanks holding the liquid gave way.

In the dramatic video, the wine flows down a hill in the town of São Lourenco do Bairro, from a facility owned by Levira Distillery.

The Portuguese wine, enough to almost fill an Olympic swimming pool, can be seen flowing quickly down the streets, causing damage, with onlookers calling out.

According to reports, the Anadia Fire Department managed to drain the liquid and transport it to a local wastewater treatment plant.

Speaking with Jornal de Notícias, Jorge Sampaio, the vice-president of the Anadia City Council, said: “Our biggest concern was that the wine would go to the Cértima River and cause an environmental disaster.”

(Image: The producer is located at the top of the hill. Outdoor vessels are clearly visible.)

The wine producers took responsibility and assisted the town with the clean-up operation.

A spokesperson for the company said: “The causes of the incident are being investigated by the competent authorities. We assume full responsibility for the costs associated with cleaning and the repair damage and have teams available to do so immediately. We are committed to resolving this situation as quickly as possible.”

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