The most popular beer in every US state
By Eloise FeildenCan you guess the most popular beer in each state? There may be a few obvious contenders, but some results could surprise you…
The pandemic has caused a spike in alcohol sales, according to the recently published TOP Data Beer Report. It found that sales have gone up by 8.9% since the pandemic reached the US in 2019.
One in four survey respondents across the country reported drinking 20 or more beers a month, while 22.1% drink between eight and 16 each month.
Beer is a beloved beverage across the US, but which brew outranks all the rest? It may surprise no one that American classic Budweiser was ranked the most popular beer in 23 US states, including California and New York.
While Heineken ranked in the top five for 35 different states, it only nabbed the top spot in Ohio, closely followed by Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller Light and Stella.
Light beers also showed prevalence across the country, suggesting a movement towards lower alcohol offerings. Bud Light ranked first in Washington, Vermont, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Connecticut. Miller Light was the most popular beer in two states too: Indiana and New Jersey.
Overall, Budweiser has remained king of the US, ranking in the top five of all 48 mainland states surveyed. But some microbrews cropped up across the country; a hint of what might be to come in future years.
Spotted Cow ranked number one in Wisconsin, and the Texas top spot was given to Lone Star, where Budweiser came in fifth.
The complete list of the most popular beers by US state are:
Alabama – Budweiser
Arizona – Dos Equis
Arkansas – Budweiser
California – Budweiser
Colorado – Denver Beer Co
Connecticut – Bud Light
Delaware – Dogfish Head
Florida – Stella
Georgia – Terrapin
Idaho – Budweiser
Illinois – Goose Island
Indiana – Miller Light
Iowa – Budweiser
Kansas – Coors Light
Kentucky – Budweiser
Louisiana – Abita
Maine – Budweiser
Maryland – Budweiser
Massachusetts – Budweiser
Michigan – Budweiser
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Minnesota – Budweiser
Mississippi – Lazy Magnolia
Missouri – Budweiser
Montana – Budweiser
Nebraska – Nebraska Black Betty
Nevada – Coors Light
New Hampshire – Budweiser
New Jersey – Miller Light
New Mexico – La Cumbre
New York – Budweiser
North Carolina – Bud Light
North Dakota – Fargo
Ohio – Heineken
Oklahoma – Budweiser
Oregon – Budweiser
Pennsylvania – Bud Light
Rhode Island – Narragansett
South Carolina – Budweiser
South Dakota – Budweiser
Tennessee – Budweiser
Texas – Lone Star
Utah – Budweiser
Vermont – Bud Light
Virginia – Budweiser
Washington – Bud Light
West Virginia – Budweiser
Wisconsin – Spotted Cow
Wyoming – Snake River
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