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Taylor’s launches campaign for the ‘Port season’

Taylor’s has launched a digital campaign for the ‘Port season’ of fortified wine-drinking occasions, from Halloween to Bonfire Night, along with Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

The new campaign – which can be watched below – will feature on Instagram and Facebook, and has been created to begin in the UK “when the clocks go back and the first leaves start to fall,” according to brand, a period it terms the “Port season”.

Taylor’s have worked with creative agency, Keko London, who have worked with brands such as Bentley, Porsche and De Beers.

Spread across several social media platforms, the campaign focuses on Taylor’s LBV, “highlighting the wine’s versatility throughout the key moments that make up the autumn and winter Port season”, such as Bonfire Night and Christmas.

Andrew Hawes, who is managing director at Mentzendorff, the UK Agent for Taylor’s, said: “People like Port, demand has remained high throughout the year and now peak Port Season is upon us it is more important than ever to offer consumers strong recognisable brands such as Taylor’s that are consistently invested in, offering trusted premium quality that represents extraordinary value for money.

Taylor’s new digital advertising campaign will support the brand’s broad trade distribution at the end of a challenging year when family and friends are looking forward to gathering to celebrate. Taylor’s LBV Port is a warm and affordable luxury to enjoy together.”

The campaign officially launched yesterday, and will run until New Year’s Eve.

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