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Escaped inmate breaks back into jail with booze and home-cooked food

A Texan absconder was caught breaking back into prison with a bag containing three bottles of brandy, one bottle of whisky, snacks, cannabis and barbecued sausages.

Joshua Hansen, 25, from Dallas, Texas, was arrested on 24 January after escaping from a federal prison in Beaumont and trying to break back in after picking up a bag of contraband.

According to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office-Texas, JCSO Narcotics Investigators and U.S Marshals set up surveillance at around 5:45pm when a vehicle was spotted entering a nearby private property owned by a local rancher.

The vehicle dropped off a large duffle bag. At 7:30pm, a prisoner was seen running out of the grounds and later picked up the bag. He was arrested as he ran back towards the prison.

According to the sherrif’s office, the bag contained three bottles of brandy, one bottle of whisky, multiple bags of Buglar tobacco, cannabis, packaged snacks and a “large amount of home-cooked food” including barbecued sausages and fried chicken.

Hansen had been incarcerated on narcotics charges, and after his escape, was booked into Jefferson County Jail charged with ‘escape and possession of marijuana’.

According to local media, Jefferson County Sherrif’s deputy Marcus McLellan said that inmates walking off site has been an issue “pretty much since day one”. The sherrif’s office is working with the US Marshals to put a stop to the practice.

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