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The 15 most expensive cities in the world for a pint

“A quart of ale is a dish for a King” according to Shakespeare, but the price of a pint in 2017 is enough to make even a royal baulk.

(Photo: Wiki)

Earlier this week, we brought you the cheapest cities in the world for beer, but where should spendthrifts head for a satisfying skinful?

A study comparing the price of consumer goods in popular tourist hotspots has revealed the most expensive places to buy a pint.

The research – conducted by ethical coffee supplier Honest Coffees – ranked 30 capital cities according to the price of beer, wine, vodka and soft drinks in local bars, pubs, restaurants and cafés.

And with the UK’s craft beer renaissance driving up the price of a pint, its little surprise that London ranks as one of the worst offenders for costly alcohol consumption.

Commenting on the research, Honest Coffees co-founder Wyatt Cavalier said: “Our findings show that the big-ticket holiday destinations like Paris, New York and Tokyo can be costly when it comes to buying drinks, and things aren’t much better closer to home, with the average pint in London costing the best part of five pounds.”

Read on to discover where in the world you’ll find the highest mark-ups on beer.

15. Beijing, China

Price of a pint: £3.85

14. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Price of a pint: £3.88

13. Marrakesh, Morocco

Price of a pint: £3.99

12. Auckland, New Zealand

Price of a pint: £4.49

=11. Los Angeles, USA

Price of a pint: £4.70

=11. Sydney, Australia

Price of a pint: £4.70

9. Tokyo

Price of a pint: £4.71

8. London

Price of a pint: £4.99

7. Melbourne, Australia

Price of a pint: £5.11

6. Chicago, USA


Chicago Urban Cityscape along the Chicago River

Price of a pint: £5.22

5. Singapore

Price of a pint: £6.02

4. New York City, USA

Price of a pint: £6.09

3. Paris, France

Price of a pint: £6.14

2. Hong Kong

Price of a pint: £6.31

1. Dubai, UAE

Price of a pint: £8.78

3 responses to “The 15 most expensive cities in the world for a pint”

  1. John M says:

    You missed out Perth, Australia….it’s $11-13/pint, much higher than what you pay in Melbourne or Sydney!

  2. sagi cooper says:

    Tel Aviv – local lager, 0.5 liter = #6.50 and up…

  3. David says:

    Im surprised Stockholm and Oslo dont feature as a pint will set you back around 10 pounds sterling.

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