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Top 10 US states for craft beer

the drinks business rounds up the top 10 US states for craft beer in 2016 based their economic output, with data supplied by the industry group Brewers Association.

The data was compiled by the Brewers Association via via its annual ‘Beer Industry Production Survey’ (BIPS) and the bi-annual ‘Brewery Operations Benchmarking Survey’ (BOBS) as well as additional government and market data and relates to ‘small and independent American craft brewers.’

The Brewers Association define ‘small’ as ‘annual production of six million barrels of beer or less’ and ‘independent’ as a brewery that is ‘less than 25% owned or controlled (or equivalent economic interest) by an alcohol industry member that is not itself a craft brewer.’

Economic output is defined as the ‘total impact of beer brewed by craft brewers as it moves through the three-tier system’ – meaning from breweries, to wholesalers and finally to retailers – as well as ‘non-beer products like food and merchandise’ that is sold directly from brewpub eateries, taprooms and shops.

As part of its report, the Brewers Association found that US craft beer contributed $67.8 billion to the economy as well as providing 456,373 full-time equivalent jobs, a 7.5% increase from the figure recorded in 2014 which was the last time such a report was published by the organisation.

Source: Brewers Association

The Brewers Association broke down the economic impact by state as well as the state economic contribution per capita for adults over 21. Unsurprisingly, given the differing population sizes, the states that topped the economic impact charts did not necessarily feature in the per capita list. Indeed, the only states to feature in both were Colorado and Pennsylvania.

On a per capita basis, Colorado came out on top, generating $764 for every legal drinking age consumer. It was followed by Vermont and Oregon, generating $666 and $659 per consumer, respectively.

The top five states with the greatest individual economic impact generated more than 35% of the total output in 2016, while contributing an overall $24.2 billion.

In 2012, the top five states for craft beer were California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania and Colorado, which generated a total of $12.8 billion – but has the order changed?


Click through to view the top 10 states according to the Brewers Association. 

10. North Carolina ($2bn)

Total economic output: $2,042,010,000

Per capita: $280.70

Total population: 10,146,788 (2016)

9. Michigan ($2.1bn)

Total economic output: $2,094,215,000

Per capita: $292.12

Total population: 9,928,300 (2016)

8. Illinois ($2.6bn)

Total economic output: $2,602,200,000

Per capita: $283.70

Total population:12,801,539 (2016)

7. Ohio ($2.7bn)

Total economic output: $2,674,611,000

Per capita: $319.41

Total population: 11,614,373 (2016)

6. Colorado ($3 bn)

Total economic output: $3,037,487,000

Per capita: $764.34 (ranked first)

Total population: 5,540,545 (2016)

5. Florida ($3.1bn)

Total economic output: $3,074,261,000

Per capita: $198.69

Total population: 20,612,439 (2016)

4. New York ($3.4bn)

Total economic output: $3,439,441,000

Per capita: $237.59

Total population: 19,745,289 (2016)

3. Texas ($4.5bn)

Total economic output: $4,539,628,000

Per capita: $238.92

Total population: 27,862,596 (2016)

2. Pennsylvania ($5.8bn)

Total economic output: $5,787,811,000

Per capita: $615.77 (ranked fourth)

Total population: 12,784,227 (2016)

1. California ($7.3bn)

Total economic output: $7,344,502,000

Per capita: $262.73

Total population: 39,250,017 (2016)

State economic contribution per capita rankings

  1. Colorado: $764.34
  2. Vermont: $666.78
  3. Oregon: $659.12
  4. Pennsylvania: $615.77
  5. Montana: $549.98
  6. Alaska: $511.80
  7. Minnesota: $509.30
  8. Maine: $471.45
  9. Delaware: $456.79
  10. District of Columbia: $454.05

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