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Cognac reports third consecutive year of growth

Exports of Cognac have continued to rise for the third year running, reaching record levels for both volume and value, the Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC) has reported.

The US market has taken a shine to Cognac (Photo: Wiki)

Export figures for 2016/2017, covering 1 August 2016 – 31 July 2017, show that Cognac exports achieved overall growth of 10.2% in volume and 15.2% in value, with nearly 190.2 million bottles exported totalling €3 billion in value.

Globally, exports of Cognac to all markets reported growth, with the far east market proving particulalry buoyant. A total of 53.7 million bottles were shipped to this region – an increase of 10.6% in volume and 19.4% value compared with the same period the previous year – the highest increase in value of any market indicating a level of premiumisation among consumers.

Of this total, China made up the majority of exports, accounting for nearly half at 22.6 million bottles.

In comparison, 82.1 million bottles were exported throughout the year to markets within the NAFTA free trade zone, including North America and Canada. Exports to this market increased by 9.3% in volume and 13.5% in value, led by the US, which accounted for 78.7 million of those bottles.

Exports to Europe are also back in growth, with the BNIC reporting an increase of 10.1% in volume and 8.1% in value, with the region shipping in a total of  42.1 million bottles this year.

This growth was driven by the UK and Germany, which reported volume growth of 3.6 % and 22.2% respectively, and “due to a revived interest” in Cognac among consumers in Russia and the Baltic, where Cognac exports have achieved volume growth of 73.2%.


By style, sales of Cognac at the higher end achieved positive growth across the board, with VS, VSOP and Older quality categories all rising in volume and value.

Driven by the US market, VS shipments, which account for half of Cognac’s exports, increased in volume by 9.6% and in value by 15%. Shipments of VSOP accounted for slightly more than 40% of volume, with a 7.4% increase in volume and  9% in value.

Older quality categories also achieved volume growth of 24.2% and 23.2% in value, which the BNIC attributed to the ongoing recovery of the Asia market.

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