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Top 10 quirky drinks gadgets

the drinks business takes a look at some of the most unusual drinks gadgets in the press, from whisky stones and port sippers to a robotic pint-puller and a flip flop bottle opener.

Wine, beer and spirits lovers are spoilt for choice when it comes to new booze gadgets, with a proliferation of new gizmos coming onto the market. Most recently, the Eto decanter piqued the interest of oenophiles and reached it’s Kickstarter funding target within 32 hours. Designed by Tom Cotton, Eto claims to extend the life of a bottle by up to 12 days after opening.

Coravin, the gadget that allows wine to be extracted from the bottle without extracting the cork, has bold ambitions. Speaking to the drinks business last month, CEO Fred Levy said: “Coravin is an aspirational product and my dream is for it to become the Nespresso of wine and to see one in every kitchen all over the world – I want people to retire their corkscrews”.

Click through to view our round up of some of the more unusual contraptions in the press. 

Flip flop bottle opener

How many times have you been caught without a bottle opener and had to resort to the ‘side of the table trick’ that you’ve never quite been able to perfect. Luckily, shoemakers Reef have thought of everything by designing a flip flop with an in-built opener.

Available for men and women, the bottle opener sandals can be purchased through the company’s website here. 

Robotic pint-puller

(Photo credit: Twitter @qualitybearings)

Five students from the University of Leeds, commissioned by engineering company Quality Bearings, created a robotic pint-puller. The device mimics the movement of a bartender and includes an interactive screen where consumers can select their chosen drink. The beer tap is then pulled down by a mechanical arm.

With the first tests at the Saltaire Brewery yielding impressive results with little wastage, it may not be long before we see similar devices on the mass market.

The fizz-retainer

Beverage Power, unveiled at the start of 2016, is a clip on device that claims, by transmitting a small electric current, to keep drinks from going flat and to also ‘alter and enhance’ their flavour.

The device employs a metal ‘acti-strip’ which, when touched, gives out a ‘small, safe electric current’ that causes electrochemical reactions to take place inside the drink. This increases the number of negative ions which helps to retain carbon dioxide levels in the drink.

For more details, visit the website here. 

Port sipper

Made out of hand-blown borosilicate glass, these pipe-shaped port sippers are available online through Amazon and Drinkstuff. While some users warn potential purchasers about the product’s fragility, others praise it for its novelty value and design. It is claimed that the design is based on glasses dating back to the 17th century. There is also the expression ‘a pipe of port’ but this in fact refers to pipa which is the Portuguese word for barrel.


The Corkicle fits in the top of a bottle just like any other cork, but has a look-a-like icicle that helps to keep the liquid cool. With a specialised freezable gel core, it fits any standard wine bottle and is reusable – just pop it back in the freezer when you’re done.

The Corkicle can be purchased through its website here. 

Whisky stones

Solving the problem of cooling whisky without diluting the liquid itself, Teroforma’s whisky stones should be stored in the freezer for at least four hours prior to use. After they have been chilled sufficiently, simply add three stones into the glass, pour in the whisky until it almost covers the stones and let it stand for five minutes. The stones can be washed then reused.

They can be purchased here.


Brewbarrel is essentially a home-brew kit that allows beer lovers to produce their own beer in just one week. Potential brewers can choose their beer style, for example pilsner, pale ale or wheat beer, the hop level and any added flavourings. When the barrel arrives at your home, simply mix the ingredients together with water as per the instructions and leave to ferment for five days at room temperature. The keg then needs to be transferred to the fridge for two days before it can be enjoyed.

To order a Brewbarrel, please click here.

Champagne cork bubble indicator

L’Atelier du Vin’s device records the pressure within the bottle, alerting you when the liquid starts to go flat. The pressure-sensitive indicator records the level inside the bottle and, when the coloured ring begins to disappear, you should finish the bottle.

It is available through the company website. 

The oak bottle

The makers of the Pinocchio Barrique Bottle claim it will offer the amount of oak-ageing in 10 days than an oak barrel will deliver in six months. Designed to house any beverage with an abv of at least 12%, such as wine, whisky, grappa or brandy, it promises to impart the flavours of oak in considerably less time than is usual. Bottles come in three different toasting levels: natural, medium or intense.

The bottle can be purchased here. 

Corkscrew wine glasses

A Colorado-based start-up has designed an innovative wine glass that incorporates a hand blown ‘corkscrew’ moulded at its base to trap sediment, which it says removes the need to decant the bottle.

The wine glass was designed by Vacanti Wine Glasses, founded in 2012 by husband and wife Patrick and Margarita Vacanti and has been in development for the past five years taking advice from sommeliers, wineries, restaurant owners and target consumers from around the world.

The glasses can be purchased here. 

One response to “Top 10 quirky drinks gadgets”

  1. Mike Lee says:

    Have to say people really come up with some really ingenious ideas sometimes. Loved all the quirky gadgets especially the slippers with the bottle opener and the pipe decanter/glasses. The Brew Barrel is great for someone who enjoys making their own beer and corkscrew glasses just look so cool. Really great stuff.

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