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Brewdog is giving a free beer to anyone that votes today

Independent craft brewer Brewdog is doing its bit to help oil the wheels of democracy by offering everyone that votes in today’s general election a free beer.

Every person that turns up to the polls and takes a picture of themselves will be eligible to claim a free pint of its Punk IPA from any Brewdog bar, offering beer lovers another good reason to make it to the polls tonight, before they close at 10pm.

“The political scene could do with more candour and honesty and recent political polls have been spectacularly off target, so we’re running the first ever poll with added craft beer,” said James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog.

“We believe everyone is more truthful and candid with a beer in their hand and we’re confident the results taken from outside our bars across the country will provide a more accurate picture of voting intention than any of the usual boring polls.

“Whatever your views, whatever your status, every vote was created equal. An election is a key moment for those that feel marginalised or under represented to stand up and be counted; so we want to encourage and reward those making their voices heard on 8 June.”

To claim a free Punk IPA, voters need to take a picture of themselves outside of their their polling stations and show it to bar staff at any BrewDog bar.

Taking a photo inside of the polling station is not advised by the Electoral Commission, due to laws on maintaining the secrecy of the ballot and revealing, intentionally or accidentally, how someone has voted. The offence carries a fine of £5,000 or six months in prison

Interestingly, the Electoral Commission is fairly relaxed on voting under the influence. Polling station staff cannot refuse a voter simply because they are drunk or under the influence of drugs. Only is the voter is disruptive can they be asked to return when sober.

Brewdog’s offer of a free pint will run until Friday 9 June.

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