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Port expert Ben Campbell-Johnston dies at home

Port expert and popular member of the UK trade Ben Campbell-Johnston has died at home.

According to a report on Harpers, Ben died at his home in Kent last weekend. The cause of his death was not stated.

Having enjoyed a career spanning over 20 years in the trade, it was well known that Ben’s particular love was for fortified wine.

He co-founded and helped drive the success of the now annual ‘The Big Fortified Tasting’ (b.f.t) as well as the event dedicated to sparkling wines, ‘Fizz’.

He began his career at Oddbins in 1992 and worked with the Symington family (to whom he was related) from 1993-1995. He spent 10 years as the PR and marketing manager at Fells until founding his own business in 2008 through which he helped found The Big Fortified Tasting and Fizz.

He was also director of The British Humane Association for nearly 30 years, from 1988 until his death.

He is survived by his wife and children.

6 responses to “Port expert Ben Campbell-Johnston dies at home”

  1. Tom Stevenson says:

    Such a lovely, caring man … much too young to die.

  2. Patrick Schmitt says:

    What a shock, and such a sad loss for the UK trade, and particularly the fortified wine business, which must say goodbye to one of its most tireless champions.

  3. Margaret Rand says:

    A great tragedy, and a loss to us all. He’ll be so missed.

  4. Lindsay Oram says:

    What a shock! Lovely funny guy. I will miss you judging at IWSC next year. Go in peace Ben.

  5. Mark Davies says:

    Always loved hearing Ben on the end of the phone, a gentleman, friend and most knowledgable colleague. He will be hugely missed by all that knew him. Truly hope the benevolent will do all they can to aid his family and I hope give rememberence to a wonderful man and friend, a deeply sad loss

  6. Pelayo Garcia says:

    I couldn´t agree more with both of you. We will miss him and his great efforts to promote Sherry at the Bft.

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