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WLC new entry: Galvin HOP

Galvin HOP – Wine List Confidential Score: 87

The little sister site to gourmet destination Galvin La Chapelle next-door offers a simple but dependable menu of well-priced, French-biased wines to complement French and Italian café food.

Put together by Galvin group sommelier and wine buyer Andrea Briccarello, the one-page list offers a whistle-stop tour of classic French wine regions, but more interestingly for the value-conscious will be the section of wine on tap – of which Briccarello is an enthusiastic adopter.

Here at db, quick to pick up on the surge in popularity of wine on tap in London restaurants. It’s a surge that shows no sign of slowing, and the quality and choice available just keeps getting better.

To view the full Galvin HOP Wine List Confidential entry, including individual category scores and wine recommendations, click here.

To view the Wine List Confidential entry for Galvin HOP’s senior sibling restaurant next-door, Galvin La Chapelle, click here.

To view from all 350+ Wine List Confidential entries click here.

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