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Top 10 funniest pub signs

Raising a smile from passersby and patrons alike, it seems there are many would-be comedians lurking behind the world’s bars.

Offering some light relief on an otherwise mundane day, pub sign banter has become popular with landlords increasingly trying to out do each other with their displays of comedic prowess. But while most would welcome a sense of humour from their local, others have been less than amused at landlords’ attempts at comedy.

Mick Quinn, of the Fleming Arms pub in Ryde on the Isle of Wight, intended to to entice patrons into the pub with his humorous pub sign messages, which joke about the death of Orville entertainer Keith Harris and obesity among other things. Instead, some residents took offence to his sense of humour, resulting in the police giving the landlord a swift telling off.

But tales such as this haven’t stopped others from getting creative with their pub signs.

Scroll through for our pick of the funniest pub signs we could find…

Have you seen any others? Email a picture to

Credit: Reddit / jfesta

Credit: Reddit / zach634827

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Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Flickr / mattbritt00

2 responses to “Top 10 funniest pub signs”

  1. Love these! Thanks for the laugh Lauren and DB !

  2. Peggy Lancaster says:

    Love these., Post more !!

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