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Bar serves up 5,000 calorie burger ‘cocktail’

This monster of a ‘cocktail’, topped with a burger, hot dog and roast chicken, is what patrons at a bar in Canada could be tucking into for just CA$60, perhaps taking the trend for savoury cocktails a step too far.

Dubbed the Checkmate Caesar, the concoction was created by the Score on Davie pub in Vancouver and boasts enough ‘garnish’ to feed an entire family with roast chicken, burger, hot dog, chicken wings and even a brownie topped precariously on top of it.

It is just one cocktail in the bar’s range of Ceasar cocktails – a Canadian-style Bloody Mary containing vodka, tomato juice, clam juice – each with its own special toppings.

The classic Bloody Mary cocktail is usually topped with celery and lime.

Priced at $60 (£32) the creation contains an estimated 5,000 calories and remarkably has sold out every day since it was added to the bar’s menu.

Owner Jesse Ritchie told The Daily Mail: “The Caesars were invented by one of our staff Peter Verge who was in the US and saw some people putting cheeseburgers on their Bloody Mary’s as a joke.

“He came back and asked if we could execute making these to our busy pub. We tested Caesar after Caesar until we found the ones easy to get out to the table quickly and efficiently.”
“We became really well-known for our outrageous garnishes – people started mentioning us in comments on Instagram and Twitter and other bars started trying to do something similar.

“So we decided to create something more outrageous then anything out there but also something we could sell to our guests.

“It seems hard to balance but it’s actually pretty easy, we just use a few skewers and some techniques we’ve picked up with the heaped-high Caesars we already sell.”

Other cocktails in the Caesar range include the grilled Caesar topped with a deep fried pickle, a grilled cheese sandwich and onion rings; the “Aint No Thang” Caesar, topped with hot wings and onion rings; and the “Big Score” Caesar, which comes with a boiled egg, bacon, sausage, pierogies and onion rings.

‘Ain’t No Thang’ Caesar cocktail
‘Big score’ Caesar cocktail
The grilled Caesar cocktail

2 responses to “Bar serves up 5,000 calorie burger ‘cocktail’”

  1. Missy says:

    Guess that means not deciding to skip food in order to get drink, or vice vesza, in order ti save cash. Looks glorious though.

  2. p t says:

    Misleading, the Caesar was invented by Walter Chell.

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